How to become a fit Player without losing cool

How to become a fit Player without losing cool

Fitness is a crucial ingredient to lead a happy and hearty life. It is also essential to have some time for yourself even if your day is filled with many commitments. Giving time to your passion is a need of the hour.

Given the thought of diseases spreading worldwide, it is equally important to take care of health and stay fit. If you love sport and are keen on making every game performance better then these tips are must remember.

Warm-up Sessions

Before heading to play a game it is equally important to prepare your body and brain. If you are a new player then it’s recommended to have 30 minutes of the warm-up session then according to the comfort level you can increase the time.

Cardio Exercises

This thing is mostly advised by many fitness-enthusiastic people. Cardio Exercises improve body coordination. It is advised to do circuit training, sprinting, and kickboxing.

Joint Mobility

5-10 minutes of stretching and mental focus is important. You could enhance your game faster.

Weight management

As per the set limit, lifting heavy weights have numerous health benefits. This will help you to enhance flexibility.

Checking your Body Mass Index

Issues of being obese can increase the chances of fatal heart attacks. Checking Body Mass Index keeps the brain alert and actions under control. This step will keep you alert and you take adequate measurements.

See flexibility levels

As you reach your 30s and 40s, flexibility tends to decrease. If you can touch your toes and other bending exercises then consider yourself flexible. Keeping yourself fit works wonders in enhancing flexibility.


To keep your body recharged you at least 9 hours of sleep. Without proper sleep, you may face mood swings and irritation. Good peaceful sleep increases focus and chances of good play.

Get a fitness tracker

Even over-exercise is not good for health and the same part even missing out on the daily fitness regime is not good. Keeping a fitness tracker will help you to get an accurate picture and in the future, you can work on it.

Find joy in workout exercises

There are millions of options available for workout sessions. Doing what you love will motivate you to follow the fitness regime.

Getting inspired by others

Keeping in mind fitness enthusiastic players will help you to be like them or you can even think of being with people who have their fitness goals. Even the social circles will motivate you to play more and achieve more.

Avoiding Negativity

Stress and negativity decrease focus and attention. To have good play always stay positive and think about people who have achieved more from life.

The crucial role of fitness and being a player is important to enhance the longevity of life. Achieving your passion and doing a bit for yourself is key to a successful life.

Doing what you love will help in playing excellent sports. There are myriad sports activities focused on your key interests and strength.


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