How to Build motivation in kids to play their favorite sport?


Do you think that your child needs the right direction for playing sports? As parents, we always
have a concern about the right food intake and activities for our family. Often in the bumble jumble of busy lives, we unknowingly forget to appreciate the achievements of kids.

Childhood is the best time to stay motivated and achieve the best of dreams. A little bit of
Parental guidance and much motivation with these easy steps will do a lot of wonders.

Let them have a call

Every child is different and so are potentials. Don’t force the kid into activities just because some other acquaintances are doing it. Give the power to decide. If the child takes a call on which sport he/she wants to play then chances of going further are higher.

Watch more sports-based movies

If a star or celebrity could do things in the movie why can’t I? This feeling comes to kids while watching movies. Inculcate the habit in a more fun way by watching movies together.

Give equivalent space

Pushing too much for sports also will do no good. Give them an equivalent amount of free time too. If possible let them address their concerns.

Don’t change sports frequently

Having a knack for a different sports activity is good but grabbing it all at the same time could be a bad idea. When they have mastered one sport let them focus on another. Remember to reward when they have mastered one skill.

Put them in an age-appropriate sports group

Playing with underage people will not allow them to know the place where improvisations are needed and at the same playing with older kids shall also shatter their confidence. Playing with people of the same age group will enhance bonding and team spirit.

Take involvement

Always lend a listening ear when the kid wants to share activities and daily tasks of sports. This also means no continuous hovering to them but only assuring them that you are always with them.

Taking positives more into consideration

Yes, you are free to point out the errors and places where the kid needs improvement. you have to be true but if they are trying to improve share with them how better they played last time.

Let them play without fear of loss or win

Attempts are important and improving games at every point in time is important. If a kid feels the pressure of winning the game then performance will decline. The best way to inculcate a habit is to ask them to congratulate the winning team. This step will encourage sportsmanship.

The early days of childhood will form a habit. Motivation from parents will surely take kids a long way. Remember good things will come to you with optimism and trusting your kid’s performance.

Self-participation will also encourage kids to do more and learn fast.

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